Arri Arrisun 60 HMI Kit

Arri Arrisun 60 HMI Kit from Lightbulb Rentals are the workhorses of location lighting whenever punch or bounce light is required on set. The precise interaction of lamp, reflector and converter (spread) lens was designed with computer simulation for ultimate performance. When fitted with a 6000 watt HMI bulb and no lens, the Arrisun 60 will turn night into day with a beam of 3820 footcandles 8 feet in diameter, from a distance of 66 feet. A set of 5 converter lenses and 4 leaf barndoor set are available separately to ensure maximum beam control in all situations. A wide range of converter (spread) lenses ensures maximum beam control in all situations. ARRI Arrisun 60 PAR Kit. (6000/12000 watts) Together with the Compact range, the ARRISUN is the working horse on location. For the first time the interaction of lamp, reflector and converter lens was taken into consideration and computer simulated, resulting in unmatched light performance. A wide range of converter lenses ensure maximum beam control in all situations. Whenever punch or bounce light is required on a set, an ARRISUN is the ultimate answer.
Type: HMI (Fresnel)
Model: Arrisun
Power: 6000w (6k), AC
Weight: 60lbs
Color Temp: 6000K (Daylight)